Sunday 24 February 2008

What do you know about Italy and Italians?

I' m wondering for what reasons or things, we are known in the world.
I have tried to find some answers to this question and most of them are platitudes like:
  • the good food and wine. Italian cuisine is really healthy and with a large variety of tastes. Recent studies have stated that the Italian cuisine is a cooking model to copy.
  • Countryside and seaside (most foreigners seem to know only Tuscany, Sicily and Amalfi),
  • Art History (Florence, Rome, Venice, ...)
  • Berlusconi who is the richest man in Italy and at the same time he has been our prime minister.
  • Most of us are not good at speaking in English at all (included me).
  • Fashion
Now I'm curious, do you identify the Italians with other symbols ?

1 comment:

TopGun said...

They are so cute.
Especially travelling around the northen Europe with a lot of friends :p

They are quiet and sober.
Usually they goes around unnoticed :P isn't it puntino?



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