Monday 9 February 2009

Last goodby


I'm going to speak about a sad and harsh topic, if you are not in the right mood, store this post for a better time. The last weeks have been crucial,intense and bitter in Italy due to the strong debate about the euthanasia.
As a matter of fact, we've been arguing since Eluana Englaro's story was under the spot light.
Eluana was a woman who had a cruel incident ten years ago from which she got out of alive but in a coma, at the age of 20.
To make matter worse, she has been condemned to be tied to a bed whenever she had woken up, because of a spinal column fracture.
Eluana's pains were so strong that after 12 months it was possible to make a clear and definite diagnose: Eluana will live for ever in a permanent coma. For the English and American medical authorities is reasonable to state the neurological death and it's allowed to suspend the artificial nutrition.
Here in Italy, we couldn't consider this tough and painful fact because the Italian justice rejected the requirement of Eluana's father (Beppino Englaro) of blocking the artificial care assistance.
For this reason, in the 90's, Eluana story's got visibility: it was the first sign of a lasting, frustrating fight between Eluana's father and the Italian state.
A doubtful proof of Eluana's willing turned out through a friend of hers' confession.
She will have never accepted to live in that way, he said to have listened to this words by Eluana when they spoke about a similar topic before all this occurred.
Beppino Englaro conviced of the medical sentence (she'll never get alive back) and the Eluana's friend confession kept up his personal battle and more than once he asked to suspend the medical treatment for her daughter. A tiring series of battles against the Italian justice.
After a number of sentences from all levels of Italian justice system, Beppino, finally managed to receive from the highest court the permission to suspend the artificial nutrition, it was 8 October 2009.
The last and most dramatic step, Eluana was taken to a hospital where she could take the last breath of her life by suspending the care assistance gradually.
People who have followed this fact split up: with Beppino or against him.
It's a national involvement, people who still want Eluana to receive her cures and others who decide to leave her poor father to make his decision.
Behind this event, there is the lack of the Living will. We can't express how we would like to be cured in such a situation.
This last week the blind run of our government has started to rule this matter, a faint hope..
Tonight Eluana has passed away... goodbye Eluana

I'm totally convinced that we have the right to decide in this case and if we haven't expressed our will, someone who deeply knows us can take the plunge and act on our behalf, definitely .
Church, Pope, any national government can't and mustn't replace us in this situation.
There is no a reason for their intervention or speech. We are free and, after our 18s, able to decide (we are supposed to be mature...)
By the way, what do you think?
What is the feeling in you country or where you've moved to?
Have your government ruled this event in somehow ?
Please let me know

1 comment:

Zax (Andrea) said...


(scusami se ti scrivo in Italiano, ma sarebbe troppo complicato per me in inglese parlare di questo). Direi che in Italia NON c'è una legge che regola questo tipo di situazioni, esistono solo delle leggi che riguardano il trattamento sanitario (in quali casi è obbligatorio e in quali casi no).
Nel caso della povera Englaro c'è stato tutto questo 'battage' pubblicitario perchè è in realtà uno scontro sul testamento biologico ... ovvero accettare che alla povera ragazza venisse sospeso il mantenimento in virtù delle volontà espresse prima della malattia, rappresenta un precedente 'scomodo' per chi è contrario al testamento biologico ...
Tutto qua: una battaglia politica fatta sulla pelle anche del povero padre, che ha affrontato tutto questo piuttosto che andare all'estero.

my 2 cents



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