= stupid thoughts !! (not always, actually !)
Some week ago, my flatmate and I wondered why the best cook are male while at home, usually, in our country the women is the Queen of the kitchen.
This silly and trivial question received a first answer by Zsofia, a dear friend of mine. In her opinion the people tend to be committed with other tasks, when they are at home.
if they work as teachers at home they don't like to teach their own children and so on.
An interesting theory, what do you think about ?
Another thing that I've noticed during these days. I spent most part of my work reading technical books and I discivered the existence of a masculine oriented literature. Let me spell out a lot of books are written keeping in mind that only man can read them. It's likely to be true for some kind of topics (e.g. computer network, programming languages,...) but they should never point towards a specific reader, I rekoon.
So I've run into loads of "his" and "him" and if the reader was a woman ?