Monday 3 March 2008

Italian Ping Pong

In these recent years, to be more precise since 1994, we have been seeing a continuous alternation between governments headed by right and left parties.
In 1994 Berlusconi (leader of center- right coalition) was the prime minister who barely won power for about 8 months, next followed a government made up of "experts" with Dini as premier.
From 1994 to 2000 was the turn of the left coalition which was, at the beginning, led by Romano Prodi, then followed by D'Alema (twice) and Amato.
Then we arrived at the XIV legislation (June 2001), Berlusconi, again, who was able to govern for the entire legislation.
In 2006 we were called for the elections and you can try to guess which party won, it was left coalition whose leader was... Romano Prodi !
I hope to have made you understand why I entitled this post "Italian ping pong" because it is really what happens here: left, right, left, right and so on like a ping pong ball which bounces from one side to another.
We will go to vote next April and if the game keeps alive it will be Berslusconi's turn.
What do I want to say?
Simply, our country needs a steady and stable government because it'll take a long time to improve Italy and the Italian conditions.
Be careful, I'm not saying that a legislation, which takes 5 years according to our constitution, is too short, but we need an able government that gets the country out of the current demeaning situation in which Italy still lives.
In the best case, in five years, it is quite impossible for our slowest government to give the necessary reforms that Italy needs now more than ever, Italy has bottomed out and something must be changed.
At the next election, Berlusconi is likely to win because the people, reasonably, will no longer trust the left party.
What will it happen if Berlusconi wins the election once again ?
Like in the past, at the beginning he will change and tear down the things done by the former government and then he'll start with his own electoral program.

The consequences of this ping pong are a waste of money and time, and a country which is still stuck in the same frustrating situation.
it 's like to play ping pong having a mirror as opponent... you will see only and always the same image.

Thanks to Nadia for her corrections


Anonymous said...

This ping pong effect has been seen also here in Sweden. For most of the years since the last war, the socialdemocrats have kept the chair occupied. And the right-center coalition has never succeeded to keep the power without leaving back to the social democrats. But this time it may develope differently as the right-center coalition is doing quite a good job, economically speaking. :) Even if you can argue about tax money distribution no money is vasted and we are paying back our depts.
Right or left doesn't really matter when a country is ill. The most important thing is to stop the bleeding. Berlusconi doesn't seem to have any interests in getting Italy back on track.

Puntino said...

Dear Stellan
I can't share your opinion because the "ping pong effect" is the fault of the Italy's bleeding.
If Veltroni won the next election we could stop the bleeding and go ahead, but image that the least government had been driven driven by right party, there would have had the same problem: Veltroni would win the election and rebuilt everything from scratch ignoring what Berslusconi had done.

TopGun said...

Interesting the Ping pong methafor.
You know what I think about this issue.

Surely we can't trust Berlusconi because he has no interests in getting back Italy on track.

But I don't like Veltroni, and afterall...the PD it's the same party.
Mastella will catch the same votes of two Years ago...

I'm really frighten about our destiny and I'm still undecided.
Vote or not to vote?

Stay tuned I'll write something about this.

See you friends nice to read about you.


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