Sunday 22 June 2008

A museum to be touched !!

Now I want to make you know about an interesting thing happened in my city newly.
We have one of the most important Italian museums, "Museo Archelogico Nazionale" situated in the city centre. Like other museum, it hosts several finds belonging to different ages. The news is that some of them have been chosen to allow the sightless people to touch them and get an image with their fingers.
Indeed this gallery brings the name "Il museo tra le dita" (The museum among the fingers).
The finds which are possible to touch date at Roman era.
Have you never heard of such a thing?


TopGun said...

Never heard!

I Like thhis museum there are many moasaics from Pompei.
It is reach of all our forgotten (from Neapolitan) museums.

Cy man.

Anonymous said...

No, never. Interesting idea!
You know what?! I've never been in that museum... when I was in Napoli my father forced me to visit Capodimonte instead... not that funny, my friend!

Puntino said...

I'd like the Capodimonte as park
rather than Capodimonte as museum:)


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